Services Brief
Services Brief
Day Nursery Service
To provide education and care for holistic and balanced development of our children, including parent education and support.
Target Group:
Children aged two to under six (according to the Birth Certificate).
Class N, K1, K2 and K3 according to the age of child.
Medium of Instructions:
Mainly Cantonese, but English will be used for subject of English.
Service Hours:
8:00 am to 6:00 pm (Monday to Friday)
8:00 am to 1:00 pm (Saturday)
Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre (IP)
Service Description:
It provides assessment and individual training and care to children with mild disabilities to enhance their basic developmental skills with a view to facilitating their integration.
Target Group:
- Children aged two to under six of mild disabilities.
- Referred by the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department
Quota: 6
To allow the children with mild disabilities:
- equal access to care, education, and training opportunities.
- learn and gain mutual understanding with typically developing children, to facilitate their future integration into the mainstream education as well as in the society.
- a balanced development in the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, language and self-care domains.
Content and Format:
For children:
- Individual training
- Group training
- Diverse and stimulating learning environment
- On-site professional speech, occupational and physiotherapy
For Parents:
- Integrated Programme Parents Group
- Parent-child Activities
- Parent Talks and Workshops
- Regular Home-based Training Kits
- Teaching materials and toys on loan
Extended Hours Service (EHS)
Provide longer hours of childcare assistance to meet the social needs of single parents or working parents or families with needs arising from job re-training or sickness.
Target Group:
Children already attending our nursery school
Quota: 28
Service hours:
6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. (Monday to Friday)
1:00p.m. to 5:00p.m (Saturday)
Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays
Occasional Child Care Service (OCCS)
Provide OCCS on full-day or hourly basis for carers with sudden engagements or various commitments (such as sickness, medical visit, maternal delivery, etc.) and avoid leaving young children to stay at home alone.
Target group:
Children aged two to under six (according to the Birth Certificate)
Quota: 3
Service hours:
8:00 am to 6:00 pm (Monday to Friday)
8:00 am to 1:00 pm (Saturday)
Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays
Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions
- To provide support service for children and families, including organising parenting education groups and talks on topics such as parenting skills, parent-child relationships
- To provide professional counselling, home visits and referral services for families in need
- To organize trans-disciplinary exchange with teaching staff to enhance teaching effectiveness
TWGHs Sunshine Kids On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services
- To provide on-site early intervention services for children assessed with special needs who are attending our nursery school.
- To strengthen children's learning and growth by supporting their carers and teachers.
Target Group:
- Children with special needs aged below 6 who are attending our nursery school and are on the waiting list of Social Welfare Department (SWD)’s central referral system.
- Parents and carers of the above children
Professional Team:
- The inter-disciplinary service team includes educational /clinical psychologists, social workers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, senior special child care workers and special child care workers.
TWGHs Sunshine Kids Tier 1 Support Services (Pilot Project)
- To provide early intervention services for children suspected of special needs (tier 1 children) by adopting a school-based integrative support approach, such as making adaptation to teaching methods and curriculum providing short-term training.
- To strengthen children's learning and growth by supporting their carers and the teachers.
Target Group:
- Children attending our nursery school and
- show signs of special needs in learning, social-emotional and behaviour issues; or
- awaiting assessment by Child Assessment Centres (CACs), or
- assessed by CACs to have borderline developmental problems, etc. who are not eligible for subvented pre-school rehabilitation services (Early Education Training Centre, Integrated Programmes in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre and On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services).
- Parents and carers of the above children.
承蒙 滙豐150週年慈善計劃的慷慨資助,東華三院於2016年10月開展為期五年的 「家‧長‧愛」學院計劃。「家‧長‧愛」學院會跨社區、跨界別及跨媒體進行家長教育,本著「學無涯‧愛無限」的信念,為全港家長提供發展性及預防性的親職教育,致力協助父母與子女建立正面的親子關係。
本園為此計劃的夥伴之一,希望透過與社區團體合作,提供多元化的親職教育課程及活動,以配合不同需要的家長,協助家長了解個人的理念及價值觀,建立互相支援的網絡,並發掘及善用家庭內在及外在的資源,以「親子關係」及「情緒教育」為主軸,並按孩子的成長階段為家長提供親職教育課程,期望與家長在這個既充滿歡樂而又富挑戰性的親職旅程中同行 。